Sunday, October 31, 2010



The evolution of photography has come a very long way. From the first camera in 1814 to the present time of the DSLR end of day era. As we know it man and evolution have done its job thus giving birth to DSLR and Adobe Photoshop. Recently a friend brought up the fact that I use Photoshop for some of my photos, mostly the ones I put up online because I feel presentation is important in the business industry side of photography. He advised me I shouldn’t edit/retouch my photos and asked why I edit my photos. That’s like asking someone why are you adding sprinkles to your ice cream when it already taste banging? Because it makes it taste even better, simple as that. We are at the age where creativities limit is infinite. I mean I don’t hate on anyone who chooses not to edit or manipulate photos, by all means do you. My views on photography is all over the place from film photography, to commercial photography. Hating on any ones else’s art form is not an option to me because it won’t get me anywhere in my lifetime. The most I could do is respect your work and admire the fact that this is a passion for most people who do put their time and heart into their work. With this said I will shoot nothing but straight up raw photos on the month of November, and play around with some white balance settings on my D700. It will feel good to take some time off annoying Photoshop.

ADD THE QUADROS group ent.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010